Hoosick Democrats' Annual Chicken Barbecue

The Town of Hoosick Democrats are pleased to announce that they will be hosting their Annual Chicken Barbecue on Thursday, July 27 from 5:00 - 7:30 at the Polish Hall located at 12 Mechanic Street in Hoosick Falls.  The meal includes ½ chicken, cole slaw, potato salad, desert and beverages. Tickets are on sale for this always popular event at Thorpe's Pharmacy or from any committee member for $12.00 ea.

The candidates for Town Offices and District 5 County Legislator will be available to discuss the issues with anyone in attendance.  To go meals are available but we encourage  you to come over and visit with your friends and neighbors and support these candidates, Mark Surdam for Town Supervisor, Joellen Stevens for Town Clerk, Kevin Gorman and Ken Lorenz for Town Council, Bill Shiland Jr, Highway Superintendent and Michael Hickey and Dennis Smith forDistrict 5 County Legislators.